Family and Public Welfare

Our town has often been honored with the title of “Brandenburg’s family-friendly community.” And deservedly so, because expanding the public infrastructure is an important component of Neuenhagen’s municipal investment planning. Over the last few years, some 8.5 million euros have been invested in building new child-care centers – most recently the German-Polish day-care center Kleine Sprachfüchse (Little Language Weasels).
The town has also invested heavily in recent years in expanding the town’s three primary schools. And plans are on the table to build a new primary school on Gruscheweg, scheduled to open in time for the 2023/24 school year. School children also have lots of athletic opportunities – two new school gymnasiums have been built in the last few years, and a third one is under construction in Bollensdorf.
The district educational authority has also expanded the Einstein college prep school in Neuenhagen, creating better physical conditions for learning. Among other things, one of the most modern school astronomical observatories in all of Germany was built on the school roof.
Neuenhagen’s secondary school is funded independently. For some time now, there has been a special AP soccer class at the school in cooperation with the soccer club 1 FC Union Berlin.
The older generation is also in good hands in our community. The Haus der Senioren senior center is unique in the region. And so is our “university for later life” continuing education center. With plenty of age-adapted residential space, and in four nursing homes, Neuenhagen’s elderly are well taken care of.

Child-care and Schools:
- Eight public child-care facilities
- Two private child-care facilities
- Three public primary schools
- One private secondary School
- One district college prep school
- One district special school for the intellectually disable
- One private physical rehab training facility

- One senior Center
- Age-adapted residential spaces
- Four nursing homes

Public welfare:
- Numerous physicians
- One outpatient clinic
- Four pharmacies
- Several visiting nursing Services
Translated by Rebecca M. Stuart